COVID · 13. February 2021
IMAGE COPYRIGHT THE HUNGARIAN FREE PRESS You’ve probably heard of Moderna, Pfizer. If you listen to the news more often you might have even heard of RNA, RNA Vaccine. But you probably haven’t heard of Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, the masterminds behind an mRNA Vaccine. mRNA stands for Messenger RNA. Dr. Karikó was an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She had ideas about something that seemed completely impossible and didn’t seem like something that could work....
COVID · 28. January 2021
By Aiza Habib So, you're stuck at home, and yes I do know you have been for the past what, year? Your probably bored I mean you could go outside- but you'd have to wear a mask which gets uncomfortable, wellwhy not watch a movie? oh your internet is down... Well too bad. Only kidding, here is a list of things to do when you are bored. By me. 1. set a stopwatch and run around your house repeatedly each time start it again, you'll see it gets faster so you can navigate around your house quicker...

COVID · 02. September 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak in the USA may seem like a chaotic situation. But COVID-19 abroad has been better handled with loss less casualties. The little island of Malta is a good example. Malta for most of the pandemic did a great job of ordering and enforcing lockdown-in-place and unifying the political parties in order to help its citizens and tackle the disease. A larger and more complex country like Germany also did an outstanding job of unifying and implementing the nationwide lockdown....

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